
Are you ready to build success over the longterm – sustainable success that multiplies over time?

Well, having been in the world of Real Estate investing for 25 years, I have seen it all.

And, day in and day out, I see investors doing things that drive me up a wall…no kidding!

Things like…

– making haphazard investment decisions, instead of using a scientific, proven, investment business model. The result is very busy people with minimal bottom-line results.

– relying on educational programs that contain huge gaps in key areas, gaps that leave investors frustrated, feeling inept, and, ultimately, far less successful than they could be.

– investing based only on theory and emotional attachment, rather than practical, on-the-ground advice, resulting in losses to both the pocketbook and ego.

And here’s what really drives me crazy…every one of these poor outcomes is so unnecessary!

With guidance, commitment, and the RIGHT education, the financial and emotional results of real estate investing are extremely satisfying, both in the short term, and more importantly, in the long run.

That is why, after mentoring investors informally for years, I finally stepped up and created Get’n REal, A Real Estate Mentoring Intensive –  and it is just what the title says. It is a practical and real approach to successful investing.

So, whether your next investing strategy is buy & hold, fix & flip, note generation, local or non-local, get what you need to succeed – for the longterm.

Go ahead and check it out for yourself. If it fits your investing goals, go for it!

To smart investing,


Lindsey Younts, Founder
Get’n REal Mentoring
The Real Estate Investor Education Center

P.S. Check out Get’n REal now, and I will send you my Negotiating Manifesto – my students say these tips alone increased their profits by thousands.