Realty411 Calendar of Expos & Events 2014

Reaching thousands of people across the country, Realty411 will be hosting one event per month across the country, come join us and mingle with our fans, subscribes and social media followers. Our goal is to reach more people than any other expo, magazine or real estate expo company. Join us to find out why our team has been hired by virtually every company in the industry to increase their business.


January 18 – San Diego, Calif.

Start the Year Right with Realty411 & REI Wealth Monthly


February 8 & 9 – Indianapolis, Ind.

Indy Conference and Buying Tour with Lady Landlords of America


February 22 – San Luis Obispo, Calif.

The ONLY Real Estate Expo in Central California is Here


March 15 – New York City with RE Wealth Magazine

From West Coast to East Coast Realty411 Greets Fans


March 22 – Silicon Valley Expo with SJREI and REI Voice

(Realty411 is not only a proud sponsor, but we are the official

sales and marketing agency for the largest Expo in San Jose)


April 19 – Ventura, California – Celebrating CashFlow Express

Learn and enjoy life in our special ocean-front conference


April 26 & 27 – Kansas City, MO – Event and Property Tour

Mingle with our fans in the Mid West and see Cash Flow Deals


May 24 – Newport Beach – Private Money/Note Conference

Meet private lenders and note buyers/sellers at this important event


June 14 – Women who Rock Real Estate Expo in California

Celebrate the accomplishment of women in REI at this first of its kind co-ed conference


June 21 – Success Expo in San Jose – Real Estate, Stocks, Social Media & More!

Learn why diversification is important for every investor’s portfolio


July 21 – 4th Annual Santa Barbara Expo with SBREIA

The only expo in Santa Barbara celebrate four years!


August 16 & 17 – McAllen, Texas – RIO Grande Valley Expo & Tour

Discover why the publishers and their family own millions of dollars worth

of rental real estate in this under-tapped market of The Lone Star State


September 20 – The Los Angeles Real Estate Expo

Join us in the City of Angeles, the birthplace of Realty411


October 11 – San Jose, California

Celebrate REI Wealth Monthly in Silicon Valley


November 8 & 9th – Scottsdale, Arizona

Discover why Arizona is the first place Californians

invest in when seeking an out of state property


December 6th – Carmel/Monterrey Bay Peninsula

Mingle with investors in the one of the wealthiest areas of California


Notes: More events to come, these are only those that have been scheduled.

Our goal is to have 2 events per month in 2014, both in and out of California

For more information, please call: 310-994-1962

Schedule subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances.